If you have ever taken a course in statistics or read a scientific article, you must have come across the...
Understanding and Quantifying Measures of Mortality
Measures of mortality are a cornerstone in population health and public health practice. You have likely encountered...
Coercion and Undue Influence in Health Research Ethics
As a researcher, it is essential to respect both your participants and colleagues during research by conducting...
Ensuring Patients’ Confidentiality in Medical Research in Cameroon
In the field of medical research, the protection of patient confidentiality is a key aspect of ethical practice,...
How to Conduct Your Thesis Ethically: A Guide for Health Research Students in Cameroon
In medical research, the line between ethical and unethical practice is not just a matter of moral judgment but now,...
Archiving Medical Research Data Ethically: A Practical Guide
Picture yourself as a researcher, leading an important study, or as a participant, having just shared your personal...
How to Create Rapport and Make a Patient Comfortable During a Research Interview
Imagine you’re a participant in a medical research study, about to share personal details about your lifestyle...
Preparing Informed Consent Forms for Health Research in Cameroon: A Step-by-Step Guide
Informed consent is a basic rule for doing things the right way in healthcare and research. In Cameroon, like many...
How to Secure an Ethical Clearance from the Cameroon National Ethics Committee: Steps & Best Practices
Are you planning to conduct health research in Cameroon? Will the study take place in multiple regions or in a region...
Navigating the Ethics Review Landscape in Cameroon: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers
In medical and health research, ensuring study participants’ protection, safety, and well-being is paramount....