Teaching Cameroon health care providers medical research
Learn medical research to become a researcher and a practitioner of evidence based medicine.
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4 Things You Should Consider Before Choosing a Supervisor/Mentor
Research supervisors are the people who guide you through the research process and play an...
APPLY: CRENC Research Studentships 2022
The CRENC is now inviting applications from MD students, Medical Residents, Masters Students and...
How to Create a Data Analysis Plan: A Detailed Guide
If a good research question equates to a story then, a roadmap will be very vital for good...
Writing a good results section of a thesis/scientific paper
Overview A stellar results section of a thesis/scientific paper allows the reader to link the...
How to present Tables and Figures: An Ultimate Guide
Introduction Tables and figures are a great way to communicate your data in an easy and visually...
What to expect from a good and effective mentee
To get the best out of a mentor-mentee relationship the mentee has a number of things they should...
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